Thursday, November 27, 2008

how to remove virus manually without any antivirus

Hi ,this is gaurav anand ,sometimes whatever be the antivirus u install in ur computer and scan ur computer ,it could not able to find the virus in ur computer ,but u know that u have virus infacted computer then what would u do, just hang on with the infacted computer or reinstall the operating system.But it is possible to remove a virus without a antivirus.It sometime become to difficult to remove depend on the power of virus but sometimes very easy.Ok lets discuss .
First u need to know about the name of the virus .This can be figure out by sometimes just seeing the virus folder if it is visible,but sometime u have to do struggle.So just open the task manager and do some exercise.Most of the virus have the same name as the system files witch run on the task u need to find out that what the file is operating system file and it is running as a user process not the system process ,if u still not recognise then start closing all the processes which r running with user accout or admin name one by one pls dont stop any system process.Now check it out that by closing which process the affect of the virus get u now know the name for example svchost.exe is a system process and if it too present in the usr account name or admin name then ur system is affected with svchost.exe.Dont stop the svchost.exe which is running under the system process. so now u need the location of the virus in ur drive which get booted everytime when u boot ur system.So most of the virus make reference in control F to find the location of the virus in registry.and make all references by clicking find next and find next.Here also u can have the location of virus.sometimes the virus make reference with some system process like user.init so dont delete that just click on that and only remove the virus name not the user.init..Now also delete the virus from the location where it reside and u got its location from registry.So just try that.